Outside My Window... Dark and ugh, cold. We're actually supposed to get a "wintry mix" of rain and snow today. Say it ain't so! I thought our cold weather was finally behind us!
I am thinking... about yesterday's Palm Sunday procession and the lovely conversation with a young couple after church at our "Coffee & Doughnuts" hour.
I am thankful for... younger people appreciating tradition.
From the kitchen... For breakfast, Honey Nut cereal, coffee laced with Hazelnut Biscotti creamer. Dinner will be spaghetti with the left-over sauce, garlic bread sticks and salad.
I am wearing... a pink nightgown with tiny fuchsia roses, slippers. Definitely still waking up at 5:38 AM, here.
I am creating... not much. My week blasted by and I've hardly had time to play with my digital scrapbooking program, let alone the mind-mapping or the basic web design program I downloaded. (Yet another project - redesigning my scrapbook website!)
I am going... to enjoy this short week. I took off Good Friday.
I am reading... Dead Heat by Joel Rosenberg, Tribes by Seth Godin, and my new Envoy magazine issue. Rosenberg's book is sooo good! He is a Christian who was raised as a Jew and his entire family became Christians. He is an excellent writer and uses Biblical prophecy to create very taut political thrillers.
I am hoping... lots of things. My boss gets back from his months-long stay at the Caribbean and I'm sure he'll have lots on his mind he wants done. I am also hoping I can start to focus more on my writing. Sometimes it seems everything else takes precedence but I know I need to concentrate on it.
I am hearing... the songs of the birds, welcoming Spring even in the cold.
Around the house... laundry that has air-dried, a new pair of jeans, my laptop which has doubled as a movie viewer. We've been watching lots of "instant view" Netflix movies, lately! (Last night it was "Dan In Real Life." Cute movie although I wanted to strangle the daughters a few times...)
One of my favorite things... meeting younger people and discovering what they love, especially younger people at church.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Connecting with my parish pastor, a "girl's night out" on Tuesday night, working on a bunch of stuff at work, like still re-designing the website.
Here is picture thought I am sharing. . . This is from yesterday's Palm Sunday Procession. It's something Catholics do for special Feast Days and is meant to be a witness to the neighborhood, as well as the parishioners.

We enjoyed the movie Dan In Real Life as well!
I was sad that we were unable to have a Palm Sunday procession this weekend as it was raining/snowing during the Saturday evening and Sunday morning masses. :( Maybe next year!
God bless!
...month long stay in the Caribbean...wish it was me.
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