After my return to the Catholic church four months ago, my home has been filled with various books on Catholicism and living the faith. I am a huge bookworm, so devouring books is nothing new. But I had no idea there would be so many!
So, Fr. Z posted a request for book recommendations on his blog and wow - did his readers deliver.
This entry will most likely be updated. I'll post a permanent link to it on the sidebar. Please note, some of these books are obscure or no longer in print. I wasn't able to thoroughly check each one, but tried to find the author where none was originally listed. I first checked with Amazon although anyone could "Google" a title to discover its availability.
So far, here is the list:
Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine -Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Catholicism and Fundamentalism - Karl Keating
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization — Thomas Woods
Belief of Catholics - Ronald Knox
Why Do Catholics Do That: A Guide to the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church - Kevin Orlin Johnson
A Short History of the Mass - Alfred McBride
For the Visitor at Mass - Angelus Press
Doors to the Sacred:A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church - Joseph Martos
Christian Sacraments in a Post-Modern World - Kenan Osborne.
This Is The Faith - Canon Francis Ripley
A Short History of the Catholic Church - Jose Orlandis
Catholic Christianity – Dr. Peter Kreeft
A Shorter Summa - Dr. Peter Kreeft
Summa of the Summa - Dr. Peter Kreeft
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma – Ludwig Ott
Christ’s Redemptive Sacrifice - William F. Hogan
The Shape of Soteriology - John McIntyre
The Teachings of the Church Fathers - John Willis
Catholicism for Dummies - Father John Trigilio and Father Kenneth Brighenti
The Confessions - Saint Augustine
What Is Truth - John Rist
Dante's Paradise - Tony Esolen
Why I am Still a Christian - Timothy Radcliffe
A Biblical Defense of Catholicism - Dave Armstrong
The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants - Dave Armstrong
Where We Got the Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church - The Right Rev. Henry G. Graham
Faith of Our Fathers - James Cardinal Gibbons
Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger: The Untold Story of the Lost Books of the Protestant Bible - Gary G. Michuta
Radio Replies Three Volume Set by Leslie Rumble, Charles M. Carty
Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church - Stephen K. Ray
Surprised by Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic - Patrick Madrid (editor) and Foreword by Scott Hahn
Surprised By Truth 2: 15 Men and Women Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons For Becoming Catholic - Patrick Madrid
Surprised by Truth 3: 10 More Converts Explain the Biblical and Historical Reason for Becoming Catholic - Patrick Madrid
Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith - Scott Hahn
By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition - Mark P. Shea
The Heresy of Formlessness - Martin Mosebach
We Believe - Mgr. Alfred Gilbey
Lead Kindly Light - Thomas Howard
The Office of Peter and the Structure of the Church - Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Catholicism Christ and the Common Destiny of Man - Henri De Lubac
Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam
Apologia pro Vita Sua - Cardinal Newman
Mary and the Fathers of the Church - Luigi Gambero and Thomas Buffer
Conversion and the Catholic Church - G.K. Chesterton
Crossing the Tiber - Stephen K. Ray
Upon This Rock - Stephen K. Ray
Catholic Source Book - Peter Klein
Four Witnesses: The Early Church In Her Own Words - Rod Bennett
Dissent From the Creed; Heresies Past and Present - Richard M. Hogan
The Unexpected Way - Paul Williams (Convert from Buddhism to Catholicism)
The Glories of Mary - Saint Alphonsus
Cosmas, or, The Love of God - Pierre de Calan
Faith and Certitude - Father Thomas Dubay
Spiritual Formation
Triumph - H. W. Crocker III
Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
The Everlasting Man - G.K. Chesterton
Franciscan Prayer - Ilia Delio
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller
The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer
A Map of Life - by Frank Sheed
Theology and Sanity - Frank Sheed
Theology for Beginners - Frank Sheed
The Ascent of Mount Carmel - St. John of the Cross
Seven Storey Mountain - by Thomas Merton
Heaven, the Heart’s Deepest Longing - Dr. Peter Kreeft
Making Sense Out of Suffering - Dr. Peter Kreeft
The Art of Dying Well (or How to be a Saint, Now and Forever) - Robert Bellarmine
Question and Answer Catholic Catechism - Fr. John Hardon
Catechism of the Council of Trent
First let me apologize for leaving a comment that has nothing to do with your post, Mary Rose...
But I was just browsing the gallery at DST and I saw your Virgin Mary ATC and it clicked that I knew you from somewhere else!!! :D
I recognized your username (it IS pretty unique....) and I remember your picture there now too. It all makes sense... :D
I am "natesabel" on DST...my gallery is somewhat neglected as of late though. ;D
Chris, how very cool! I remember when I discovered your blog and thought it was pretty nifty to discover another Catholic digi scrapper!
I go through ups and downs with my own creations. I just finished a small "wave" of creativity with a few new layouts. I want to do so much more. Hopefully my husband and I will be in new digs within a few weeks and I'm looking forward to having more "space" for creativity.
I'm going to check out your gallery and as they say, "leave you some love." :-D
Thanks for letting me know!
P.S. Someday I need to change my screen name at DST. I'm finally closing down my website of the same name because I've not done anything with it in years...
I just wanted to thank you for compiling this list from all the posts on the other blog. As someone who is still in the process of converting, and a bit of a bookworm, I'm always looking for good books to read to help me educate myself about the church.
And also, I love your blog. I particularly enjoy the "What I Love About Catholicism" posts.
So again, thank you.
Amber, you are most welcome. And welcome home! I pray that you find as much and more to appreciate about our Catholic faith as I have. Many blessings upon your journey. Thanks for the kind comments and your input. :-)
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