Some who stumble upon this dusty little blog may wonder, what is National Offend a Feminist Week and how did it start?
Well, it begins with a brilliant reporter named Robert Stacy McCain.
You see, McCain started this "celebratory week" of tweaking feminists back in 2009. It's all in fun, but also a great excuse to focus on why many of us hate feminism. And by "us," I'm referring mostly to women. Because we absolutely hate the fact that so many feminists want to lop all women together in supporting the most destructive ideology ever created since the dawn of time. No wonder Marxists love them. Angry, jealous, bitter misery loves company.
And so, I'm going to do something I've never done before with this blog.
I'm going to write an entry every day this week about why feminism sucks.
Yep. I'm not pulling punches and at times it may even get down and dirty. But what do I care? No one is sponsoring me so if anyone has an issue with what I say, they can boycott Blogger. (Take that, Google!)
But first, a little background.
I don't write for any large publications. I don't attend glamorous blogger conferences where everyone knows who I am and I certainly am not invited to be part of any panel. I'm a regular woman who has experienced (and observed) the detrimental effect feminism has had on our women, our men, our families, communities, cities, states, and nation. (And Hillary Clinton made sure the poison was pumped into the world.)
I didn't always hate feminism. In fact, when I was twenty, I started to get pulled into the whole "womyn" scene. (Or "wimmin," "wymyn," "wimyn," take your pick. They hate men so much that they cannot abide having the letters "m-a-n" in a word associated with them.)
In 1982, I started to frequent a feminist bookstore. I was originally drawn to it because I believed in the power of women, their creativity, and the thought they should get paid every bit as much as a man if they were doing the same job. I have a strong sense of fairness that was instilled in me by a set of parents who taught me the value of hard work and productivity. I reasoned that if I worked hard, then daggonit, I deserved to be compensated with the same salary as a man.
So in my eyes, pursuing feminism seemed... well, fair.
The first thing I noticed when I started to read feminist books was their quick demonization of two things: men and the Bible. I found that odd since I consider other religions much more oppressive toward women than Christianity. So that was one red flag. As for the "Men Are Pigs" attitude, I didn't really feel that way. Sure, I had met my share of jerks, but to paint all men as being evil was over-the-top. If women didn't like being objectified by men, then why would women use the same tactic and objectify men?
I was about to get an up-close-and-personal view of the War On Men.
In fact, that may be the theme I'll go for this week. Not sure, yet. But that's an accurate title for what I experienced as I explored feminism.
Feminism is destructive. In order to gain power, they have to destroy what they see as the status quo. And to feminists, the status quo is marriage and motherhood. These two societal institutions are also linked to Christianity, so of course, that has to be destroyed, too. All under the guise of "freeing" women from their chains of oppression. (Which reminds me: when I gave dating workshops for single women over 40 who were looking for love -- they would have done anything to have been bound in those chains. But that's another story.)
I read a bunch of books. I attended feminist workshops and events. And I began to notice something odd.
These women weren't happy.
I mean, really. They weren't one bit happy. They were so obsessed about hating men, hating marriage, hating motherhood, and hating men (Did I say that one already? It really was a sandwich-cookie of hate. They hated everything but it began and ended with men.), that they were heavy with it. It was like a fog that surrounded them, all that hate.
Did I ever hear a light-hearted giggle from among them? Nope. And rarely a smile, either.
In fact, I've noticed that, ahem... a certain religion (In fact, I think it has something to do with peace), also doesn't have a sense of humor. From what I've heard, neither did the Nazi's.
Must be a trait of fascism or something.
Back to my observations: Everything I read and observed was just So Doggone Serious that if you even tried to crack a joke, you'd be accused of not taking The Struggle seriously enough. At the time, I was trying to find books about Christianity and feminism. This was in the early 80's, so the pickings were mighty slim, thank God. Because if there were more books about "Christian feminism" then I could have ended up writing for some feminist blog and would have been in the Catholic Church at this point demanding that women be ordained as priests. *shiver*
Feminists don't build bridges. They burn them. They don't create. They destroy. I'm a keen observer of people and I quickly surmised that feminism had morphed into this hydra-headed monster of a screeching banshee. While feminism had started as way for women to be treated equally, they now were treating those who did not agree with them with equal contempt. Suffice it to say I thought it was a real drag and really didn't want to have a beer with such humorless creatures.
So after a lot of Bible study and private prayer, I got the message loud and clear that this was not the path God wanted me on. And so I left it.
More tomorrow.
Go for it, woman! Give them both barrels!
Looking forward to the rest of the week's posts.
Well said. Found you via Mr. G Guy.
"when I gave dating workshops for single women over 40 who were looking for love -- they would have done anything to have been bound in those chains. But that's another story."
Amen to that bit in particular. Perhaps you can elaborate in one of your follow up posts this week.
Now that I am in that same age bracket, I cannot imagine what life would be without a hubs and kids, but I know for a fact it would be vastly emptier.
Amen! I, too, have that sense of fairness. A woman who does the same job as a man, and does it just as well, should be paid just as well. I don't deserve a lower salary because I was born without a Y-chromosome. I believe early feminists (you know, the ones who gor us the right to vote, own property, and leave an abusive husband's sorry self and be able to make a life on our own) are to be applauded for their contributions to society. But it ends there. We are not objects, but neither are men. We are of equal worth, but we are not the same. The feminists want us to have "choices", but would deny us the choice to live our lives in a way that honors God. Modern feminism (say the last 50 years or so) has been, in large part, the downfall or our nation. I'll be back to finish the series. :)
I know that as a man, I am not supposed even to speak on this topic, but I will chance it. Back in the 70s, I knew several feminist women. Most were rabid. Only one was actually able to laugh at the crazies.
My favorite author of science fiction (Heinlein) said: "Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up with the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. They should never settle merely for equality. For women, "equality" is a disaster."
As a Catholic, I know they can never be ordained to the priesthood. But I also know that there have been many nuns whose accomplishments were huge, and whose actions were informed by their female sensitivities, different as they are from those of men.
We were created different for a reason. How foolish we would be to deny it.
Mrs. Rudd, thank you! I love your spirit!
Linda, I'm not sure who Mr. G. Guy is, but I'm glad you stopped by. I will try to remember to elaborate on the relationship coaching because there is a funny story to tell. I liked what you said about your family enriching your life. You are indeed blessed. :-)
Cassi, I really like how you said this: "... of equal worth but not the same." This is so true. Women are not to be treated as though they're dogs (Some cultures still do this.). We are all precious in God's sight. And boy, oh boy... did you nail it with "choices." Yes. Women are praised by the feminists to make the "anti" choices but let a woman make the choice to be a stay-at-home mom and they froth at the mouth. Real advocates for "choice," eh?
Bill, I love it that you commented! You definitely have a right to speak on the topic. Men have been eviscerated by radical feminism for far too long. They have been sent home, bloodied from a fight they didn't even know they started. I found your Heinlein quote fascinating. I read Heinlein long ago but can't remember ever reading that quote.
God uses us all and I agree with you: we were created different for a reason. Thanks again for visiting!
Came over here from Fr Z's blog. Wow, great post. I am 48. I was raised in a very secular home but was never a feminist. Maybe because my mother stayed home to raise me and my brother, and I always wanted to the same when I had children. It always seemed to me that, just as you said, a woman should be paid the same for doing the same job as a man. But I noticed as a teen that feminists said they were all for women being able to choose what they wanted to do -- but in reality, the choice to stay home with kids was the wrong choice, as far as they were concerned. So I remained wary of feminism, and have only gotten more wary of it since.
Great article and looking forward to more. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Mike G.
Somwhere in 'Vamps & Tramps' Camille Paglia describes contemporary feminism as a mouldy vegetable drawer of feminine neuroses :)
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