For Today, September 1, 2008
Outside My Window...The sun is barely peeking through the trees. It is cool, with a slight breeze coming through the screened window. I can still hear the soft chatter of the crickets.
I am thinking...that I wish I could stay home today with my husband. He has the day off but I was scheduled for my job at Michael's. I usually enjoy working at Michael's but today, I am scheduled to work more hours than usual. Ah, well.
I am thankful for...my father. We spent the day yesterday at his home in Cincinnati and my husband told me how much he enjoyed the day. (Even though hubby was wrestling with installing my dad's new computer and running into internal software problems. Blasted Vista!) My dad was such a generous host, feeding us all day long! (even dessert...yum!) It is always a blessing to be with him. We had the opportunity to attend Mass together and although he is annoyed with his parish's lack of respect, we still were with Jesus.
From the kitchen...is coffee and later, a quick breakfast of cereal, fruit and bagels. I'm already trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. It needs to be quick and easy since I'll be fixing it as soon as I get home. It may just be a chicken nugget night!
I am wearing...my cotton short nightgown that is very comfy. But in a few minutes, it's off to the shower and dressing in Michael's new dress code of khaki pants and a black shirt.
I am creating...nothing yet, but later tonight I may make a digital scrapbook page. I'm considering applying for another "Creative Team" member slot with an online store. Maybe...
I am going...to be headed out within an hour and a half. I worked on Memorial Day, so I know how busy holidays can be. I always am amazed that more people aren't home enjoying the day with their families instead of shopping!
I am reading...Sex & the Soul by Donna Freitas. It is such a fascinating book! I am saddened though, to learn that the Catholic universities are no different than their secular counterparts when it comes to a lack of moral guidance on campus.
I am hoping...to find more job positions needing someone with my expertise. It will be a week of scouring the internet and sending resumes.
I am hearing...the floor fan in the next bedroom. It was wonderfully cool last night. We had the window open and I just loved it! The last place we lived in had windows, but dear husband wasn't keen on keeping them open during the night since we were on the ground floor. Now our bedroom is on the second floor. We have our windows open quite often!
Around the house...are still boxes that need to be unpacked. At least I finally emptied the useless plastic rolling cart and gave it away to charity!
One of my favorite things...early morning. I love being up before sunrise and silently praising God for another day.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Working on getting re-organized in our new home, purging, job-hunting.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... A happy little sunflower taken a few years ago at our local conservatory. I love yellow and blue together! Have a wonderful Labor Day!

I hope your day at work goes fast. :)
Mrs. C
Mary Rose:
So that's where you were yesterday! Missed you at Holy Family...hope this week is a blessed one for you. Love the sunflower!
That is a beautiful image! Sadly, no matter what denomination a college/university is backed by they all seem to have forgotten ethics and morals.
This is my first time visiting your blog---brought here by The Simple Woman, of course! :) Loved reading your Daybook---thanks for that cheery picture---and will definitely hang out and read more entries. Hope your workday brings blessings and that you're able to get some good stuff accomplished this week.
Great daybook :)
My Daybook Entry
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