For Today, December 1, 2008
Outside My Window... it is dark, but I have the blinds down. I can feel the coldness from the window. Brrrr!
I am thinking... about how much I want an Apple computer. It's not good. I have a perfectly good computer, although it does give me fits at times. I just really like Mac's software. My husband is annoyed by the whole "Mac thing." He thinks they're overpriced. :-)
I am thankful for... my job, food, shelter, friends, family. I am especially thankful for being able to celebrate Advent this year within the Catholic church. It's the first time I can remember really going into this season with an Advent mind and heart.
From the kitchen... Drinking strong coffee laced with Italian Sweet Cream. I so want to make an omelet but I'm still stuffed from last night's dinner! So it will likely be cereal. Later tonight, I want to try a new recipe - Chicken with Bow-Tie Pasta. Since I had some leftover ingredients from the weekend uke get-together, I figured I may as well find good use for them. I found the recipe on Hidden Valley Ranch's site.
I am wearing... my nightgown and my emerald green robe with my soft tan slippers lined with polar fleece. Ahhhh.
I am creating... digital scrapbooking page and created my own Advent wreath yesterday.
I am going... to work. This week will seem long since we had such a short week last week! Still, thank God I have a job. I've been saying this still each day!
I am reading... still reading The Mass of the Early Christians by Mike Aquilina. I am fascinated by the early accounts of historians such as Ignatius, who describe the Eucharist with such reverence and have hard words for those who do not receive it as the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am hoping... I can plan well for this Christmas. I'll be baking but I want to plan ahead so I'm not running around like a chicken with her head cut off two days before the big day!
I am hearing... the soft hum of the computer, the clicking of the keys. It sounded like someone just left next door.
Around the house... my Advent wreath, a nicely de-cluttered den, thanks to hubby finally putting his stuff away in a box, a less cluttered living room due to me finally putting things away or throwing them out.
One of my favorite things... is early morning prayer. I lit the first candle in the Advent wreath and thanked God for this season. I'll be reading scripture throughout the day.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Nothing special. Work and coming home, fixing dinner, and spending time with husband catching up on his day. I do want to put up our small Christmas tree. My husband isn't really "into" it but as soon as I start to put it up, he's right there tweaking everything I do!
Here is picture thought I am sharing... My advent wreath! I decided to make one. I bought a small wreath on sale from Joann's for $1.80, then the little votives from Hallmark for $2.00 each. I had votive candle holders already. I figured if I was going to have a flame anywhere near a wreath, I'd go with the candle holders. My husband is not familiar at all with this tradition, so I'm hoping this will be a nice way to help him think about this season's meaning, too.

Good morning, Mary Rose!!
I know how you feel about the Mac...you're working with graphic-intensive programming and the Mac just can't be beat, when it comes to graphics!! Not to mention ease of use. Hubby is right...they are horribly expensive, but are definitely a superior product. My first PC was a Mac, so I'm perhaps a bit biased, though I eventually ended up where we all do...in the land of Windows!
Have a blessed and joyful Advent!
Your wreath is lovely! Simple, joyful, perfect!
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