For Today: Monday, February 2, 2009
Outside My Window... Yay! Finally some of the snow melted yesterday. We had so much snow and ice on the roof that it was starting to seep in and damage an area around our bedroom window. We also had icicles about two feet long. I'm glad it melted and the falling icicles didn't hurt anyone.
I am thinking... about chastity and promoting it to our younger people. There is so much in our culture that encourages a young person to get involved sexually with someone before marriage. They really need support and encouragement.
I am thankful for... my iPhone and podcasts! I have really been enjoying listening to the Audio Sancto series and Fr. Roderick's "Daily Breakfast" podcasts.
From the kitchen... It's been busy the past few days, so I've not had much time to plan the menu. For me this morning, cinnamon bagels and coffee laced with Tiramisu Creamer. Tonight I think I'll make chili and spaghetti and perhaps cornbread.
I am wearing... my pink cotton, long-sleeved nightgown and green bathrobe with slippers. I am very grateful that it doesn't feel nearly as cold from window nearby.
I am creating... my first podcast! However, I created it with an Apple laptop and just realized that copying the MP3 on a memory stick and trying to upload to a PC wasn't going to work. Apple puts these weird "._" characters in front of the file name, which messes up a transfer. I still need to figure out how to upload to a hosting site so I can submit it to iTunes.
I am going... to work, another week filled with various projects. I may have a digital scrapbooking class to teach this week, not sure. If I don't have at least 6 students, it will be canceled. (I have 5) This happened last year, too. I had a few but not enough. More students responded after the weather warmed!
I am reading... Eclipse by Stephanie Meyers, and Ayn Rand's Anthem on my iPhone through the eBook program, Stanza. Also trying to read Getting Things Done by David Allen. My boss is really into GTD and I'm trying to adapt to it. For some reason, I read half the book and then stopped. I usually like productivity books, so not sure why I'm hitting a roadblock. Hmm.
I am hoping... I can figure out how to get along with someone at work without offending them. It's an issue of control (and insecurity), so prayers would be appreciated.
I am hearing... the rush of the heat through the vent. Silence, otherwise.
Around the house... are furniture & things that have been moved from the bedroom window. The maintenance guy is going to have to re-plaster the top casing of the window and caulk under the sill. We've had some water damage.
One of my favorite things... listening to solid, Biblical teaching through an audio recording as I'm driving a long distance. Gives me time to think and contemplate.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Lots to do! I still need to join the swim club again. I was waiting for our major snow storm to move out and it has. I may have my digital scrapbooking class later this week. Tuesday night is my father-in-law's birthday and I'll be going over to my brother and sister-in-law's for a dinner celebration. (Not sure if hubby will be there since he usually goes to bed at 8:30 PM, but we'll see.) AND... something special is going on tomorrow morning. I'll post another entry for that one!
Here is picture thought I am sharing... This was from a few years ago, but I was tired of looking at the snow and sharing snow photos! The flowers are from an outside garden at the Franklin Park Conservatory. It was a gorgeous day in August (when it was warm...sigh!) and the garden was still in full bloom. I think we caught the tail end of everything but Mickey and I had a great time snapping away a bunch of pictures! Blue skies, purple flowers, and warm weather. Can't wait to do it again!

How to protect and encourage our children in today's society is ever-increasingly on my mind as my sons get older. Lots of praying for sure.
I read the Stephanie Meyers' series and as a grown-up was comfortable reading them, but was surprised at the number of 11-15 yo's reading them (unsupervised). While there is some "restraint" it was borderline. I actually think they might be a springboard for conversation about chastity.
Stay warm!
I agree chastity and common decency seem to be MIS in this world...
Thank you for sharing your daybook!
I understand your work situation. I have a similar one- my person is very prideful and "me" centered. Let's pray for each other as well as the difficult people in our lives.
I enjoyed your daybook. Aren't these just the most fun things. I love peaking into the lives of other woman who are trying to live out their vocation.
Good luck with your work situation.
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