Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eckhart Tolle, "A New Earth" and Fr. Barron

Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose has a special meaning for me. I was participating in Oprah's "live' webinar where she interviewed Tolle and discussed the book for ten weeks. After the fourth week, I started to feel a pull toward the Catholic church. I wasn't totally immersed in Tolle's brand of New Ageism, but found it more metaphysical than anything else. Some concepts were safe for Christians, others weren't. Many Christians started to openly question the validity of Tolle's statements and at times, criticized both him and Oprah.

God always watches out for me and when I start to get a little too enamored with a philosophy, He quickly reveals the weaknesses. I never did finish the book.

Karinann found a great video where Fr. Barron closely examines A New Earth. I thought he made some excellent points. (Especially about Tolle's impersonal view of a deity.) If you are someone you know is attracted to A New Earth, I'd encourage you to watch. (mantilla nod: Karinann of Daughter of the King)

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