Thursday, April 3, 2008

Okay. So I'm Manic.

I swear I'm like a cocaine addict in the middle of a Hollywood party. I can't get enough of these blogs and I know doggone well I have other things I should be doing but at least my taxes are done.

I'm just totally blown away by the blogs. Here are a few things I'm noticing:

1) Ornate photographs showing priestly robes is in.
2) Photographs of nuns and priests are in.
3) The Latin "Ora Pro Nobis" (Pray For Us) underneath a photo of a saint is in.
4) Poking fun at ugly modern church architecture is in.
5) Celebrating the Catholic faith is in.

At the risk of sounding all "when-I-was-your-age" sentimental, I am amazed by the humor, insight, and devotion these bloggers have toward being Catholic and loving (almost) all things Catholic.

Yes, I was not brought up on the internet. So I'll just get that out of the way. However, I do consider myself a lite Geek with a few self-created websites under my belt. I love how the web has linked so many people together. I know I've met my fair share on political and religious blogs and the frequent arts/creative-type online communities.

That last word is key for me right now. I am pretty isolated right now in my journey, which is why the blogs are luring me left and right. But tonight I hope to meet others who are in the same boat. I'm attending a "Coming Home" series for Catholics who are thinking of returning to their faith.

Well, I've already returned, really. I can just see me tonight (jumping around in my seat) - "Yes, I've 'come home' a few weeks ago, been praying the rosary, studying the catechism again, and I already have a blog about it!"

Can anyone say "Type A" personality?

1 comment:

X said...

Dear Kindred Spirit - feel free to email me at!

Angela M. aka Mary-Love at Catholic Online